Episode 13

September 16, 2024


Church Pet Peeves | Sage Reverie Podcast Ep. 13

Hosted by

Mike Wilson Wes Smith
Church Pet Peeves | Sage Reverie Podcast Ep. 13
Sage Reverie
Church Pet Peeves | Sage Reverie Podcast Ep. 13

Sep 16 2024 | 00:38:08


Show Notes

Description: ️ In honor of National Day of Encouragement, we decided to flip the script and talk about some of our biggest church pet peeves! From awkward handshake time to repetitive worship songs, we’re airing out the things that make us cringe in church.


In this episode, we’ll dive into some funny, relatable, and maybe even a little controversial topics like:

Handshake Time: Small talk, germs, and awkward moments

Long Announcements: Potlucks, MOPS, and kids singing…again

⏰ Starting Late or Ending Late: The balance between scheduling and “letting the Spirit move”

Overly Spiritual Language: When "God told me" becomes filler

The Pew Police: Yes, they really exist

The Prosperity Gospel: Broken promises and consumer Christianity

Repetitive Worship Songs: How many times can we sing the same line?

Repetitive Sermons: Why is it always about Moses?

Join us as we share some laughs and discuss why these pet peeves might matter more than we think.

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